I have had many customers bring in their laptops and tablets with LCD Displays either not working or losing the picture when the top cover was moved. Generally this problem is due to the lcd ribbon cable being damaged. The best way to repair this is by replacing the lcd ribbon cable. There is also the chance that the problem can also be the lcd display itself.
When I would troubleshoot this problem, I would remove the right and left hinge covers. Next I would remove the plastic bezel that runs abound the lcd display. Now you will be able to take a plastic tool like the spudger and move the cable slightly. The ribbon cable runs through with one of the hinges. Move the cable and see if the display loses the picture. If it does, then the lcd ribbon cable will need to be replaced.
If you move the cable and nothing happens, then the problem may be the LCD Display itself. One way to troubleshoot this is by slightly flexing the display. If the picture goes and then comes back, then the display should be replaced. The only other possibility would be the ribbon cable connection to the back of the LCD Display. You will need to remove all small screws as well as all cables. Make sure to pay attention as to how they are rooted.
I have found through the years, that it is better to replace the LCD Ribbon Cable and the LCD Display. I have seen too many times where the display alone is replaced and a short time later, the cable has a problem. Now the customer is upset and has to bring the laptop back and pay more money. I replaced both when I worked for one company and my customers were always happy. The second company I worked for did not do this and there were more failure returns, as well as unhappy customers.
If you have a tablet, such as the Microsoft Surface, you have to be very careful removing the LCD Display. These tablets, generally do not have a top cover. When the display is removed, 95% of the time the display cracks. Tablets were not meant to be taken apart by the average Technician or Home User. My advise is send it in the manufacturer before having someone else try to repair it.
If you try to repair your lcd display, make sure to get all the proper parts numbers off the ribbon cable and the back of the lcd display. The company I worked at, would try to just look at it and the back of the display and try one that looked the same. I had to explain many times that just because they looked similar, did not mean they were the same. There could be voltages in different places and you could damage the display and the laptop itself.
Okay next question is Where Do I Purchase Repair Parts ? You can locate some parts on Amazon. Usually the best place to find parts are on Ebay, they tend to be new or Used. You can go to the Manufacturer, but expect them to be more expensive. Always check out the sellers ratings and reviews before buying anything. If the laptop is under warranty, call the manufacturer first. Some companies will try to do the calling, but it is better for the customer to do the calling.
Make Sure To Have A Good Laptop Repair Tool Kit.
Before you try to remove the lcd connector from the back of the lcd display, make sure to make sure the AC Adapter is disconnected from the Laptop and remove the Battery from the Laptop.
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